Young Innovators: Sekolah Tinta Students Excel at First Lego League Superpowered Challenge

SHAH ALAM, 10 AUGUST 2023 – The young minds of Sekolah Tinta have onceagain demonstrated their brilliance and creativity at the esteemed First Lego Leaguecompetition. Participants Zayd Aaqil bin Nazrudin, Ahmad Salahaddin bin Ahmad Redza,and Muhammad Ammar bin Muhammad Ihsan, under the guidance of Teacher Wan MohamadAkmal Hakim bin Wan Mohd Azmi, achieved a remarkable success in the SuperpoweredChallenge category. First Lego League, a renowned robotics competition, offers a platform for students to explorethrough innovative Lego building. This year’s Superpowered Challenge category delved into thefascinating world of energy, encompassing various energy sources, storage, and distributionmethods. The students from Sekolah Tinta begin this challenge with boundless enthusiasm anddetermination. Their journey of exploration and discovery led them to develop innovative solutionsthat impressed both judges and peers alike.The Principal, Dr. Haliza, expressed her pride in the students’ accomplishments, stating, “We areextremely proud of our students’ dedication and teamwork in the First Lego LeagueSuperpowered Challenge. Their passion for learning and problem-solving truly embodies the spiritof Sekolah Tinta.” The First Lego League experience goes beyond technical skills, nurturing critical thinking,collaboration, and creativity among the participants. The school’s STEM educator, Wan MohamadAkmal Hakim, who guided the students for this competition said, “Through this competition, ourstudents were encouraged to think outside the box and explore the possibilities of renewable andsustainable energy sources.” At Sekolah Tinta, we believe in providing a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosityand nurtures young innovators. Our students’ participation in the First Lego League reflects ourcommitment to empowering them with the skills and knowledge to become future leaders andinnovators in STEM fields. About Sekolah Tinta Established in 2017, Sekolah Tinta is a model S.T.E.M school in Malaysia that offers KSSR andKSSM curriculum with full-fledged S.T.E.M program for primary and secondary students. Theschool celebrates ideas, technology and innovation that are inspired by the core disciplines ofS.T.E.M which includes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, alongside thehuman values to be applied in real life. Sekolah Tinta has collaborated with renowned S.T.E.Morganisations such as MDEC, UiTM, and more. For media inquiries or more information, please contact: Farizatul Haiza [email protected]+603 3359 0584/ +6017 642 1977

Sekolah Tinta Shines Again with Gold Award at SIRIM Invention, Innovation and Technology Expo (Si2TE)

SHAH ALAM, 31 JULY 2023 – Sekolah Tinta, a reputable educational institution dedicated tofostering innovation and excellence, has once again showcased its prowess by securing a goldmedal at the prestigious SIRIM Invention, Innovation and Technology Expo (Si2TE). Thisremarkable achievement comes hot on the heels of their recent success winning the silver plateat the IREX STEM Exhibition UKM in May.The winning project, titled “In Home Smart Gardening System,” has captivated the judges with itsingenuity, practicality, and sustainable approach. Designed by the brilliant minds of Sekolah Tintastudents – Zara Aaliyah, Iris Nadia, Hamzah and Nur Adriana Edryna – this innovative gardeningsystem revolutionises indoor cultivation, making it more accessible and efficient for plantenthusiasts.“We are immensely proud of our students for their outstanding achievement in Si2TE, and theteachers who helped to mentor them for this competition despite their tight schedule at school “said Dr. Haliza, Principal of Sekolah Tinta. “Their success does not only reflect their talent andhard work but also exemplifies our school’s commitment to fostering a culture of innovation andtechnological advancement through STEM education..”The school’s focus on STEM education, combined with a nurturing and collaborative learningenvironment, has propelled Sekolah Tinta to the forefront of educational excellence.We hope through this achievement, it will be a stepping stone for Sekolah Tinta to become theleading school in the STEM’s education landscape in Malaysia. May Sekolah Tinta celebratemany more triumphs in the future. About Sekolah Tinta Established in 2017, Sekolah Tinta is a model S.T.E.M school in Malaysia that offers KSSR andKSSM curriculum with full-fledged S.T.E.M program for primary and secondary students. Theschool celebrates ideas, technology and innovation that are inspired by the core disciplines ofS.T.E.M which includes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, alongside thehuman values to be applied in real life. Sekolah Tinta has collaborated with renowned S.T.E.Morganisations such as MDEC, UiTM, and more. For media inquiries or more information, please contact: Farizatul Haiza [email protected]+603 3359 0584/ +6017 642 1977


Watikah pelantikan sudah diserahkan, ikrar sudah dilafazkan.  Tahniah diucapkan buat barisan kepimpinan pelajar yang telah dilantik. Pelajar yang terpilih untuk menggalas tanggungjawab ini, sudah melalui satu proses pemilihan yang rapi, mempamerkan ciri-ciri kepimpinan dan komitmen yang tinggi bagi membimbing rakan-rakan yang lain. Selain itu, mereka juga diharapkan dapat berganding bahu bersama-sama guru bagi melunaskan tugas dan tanggungjawab dalam segenap perkara yang dijalankan. Kami doakan agar anak-anak yang terpilih ini mampu untuk menggalas tanggungjawab ini dan dapat melaksanakan amanah yang diberikan dengan jujur, ikhlas dan berdedikasi. Semoga pengalaman ini juga akan dapat memupuk sifat kepimpinan dalam diri mereka agar dapat dipraktikkan pada masa hadapan. . Syabas dan semoga maju jaya kepada barisan Pengawas dan Pengawas Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinta bagi sesi Akademik 2022/2023!                            


Tanggal 25 Mei 2022, Sekolah Tinta dengan berbesar hati telah menerima kunjungan daripada beberapa pensyarah dan tenaga kerja dari Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan, Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Dato’ Razali Ismail, Terengganu. Lawatan Eksplorasi Pelaksanaan Pembudayaan S.T.E.M di Sekolah Tinta ini telah memberi ruang buat kami berkongsi mengenai modul pembelajaran dan kaedah pelaksanaan STEM di Sekolah Tinta serta melihat sendiri suasana pembelajaran interaktif dan hasil kerja pelajar kami. “Saya sangat kagum melihat keupayaan Sekolah Tinta mendidik anak-anak dari peringkat awal sekolah rendah tentang  pembelajaran STEM terutamanya ‘coding’. Sekolah Tinta wajar dijadikan contoh ke arah pembudayaan pelaksanaan STEM di sekolah-sekolah di Malaysia.” – Dr. Rashidah binti Elias, Timbalan Ketua Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan, IPG Dato’ Razali Ismail “Saya melihat pelaksanaan proses pendidikan yang sangat baik dan berkesan di Sekolah Tinta. Guru-guru di Sekolah Tinta juga mempunyai autonomi untuk merencanakan sendiri pembelajaran dengan kreatif dan menerapkan daya fikir yang sangat baik. Saya mengimpikan Sekolah Tinta mampu untuk menjadi penanda aras bagi sekolah-sekolah lain. Tahniah buat Tinta kerana berjaya mengangkat keempat-empat elemen, jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan di sekolah ini.” – Dr. Mat Ali bin Abd Ghani, Ketua Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan, IPG Dato’ Razali Ismail Pihak Sekolah Tinta ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih di atas kesudian pihak Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan, IPG Dato’ Razali Ismail untuk hadir ke sekolah kami dan membuka ruang diskusi buat kami menambah baik mutu pendidikan di Sekolah Tinta.                      

Malaysian values to be at the heart of Malaysia-Qatar International School

KUALA LUMPUR: The Gains Education Group Sdn Bhd (GAINS) will collaborate with Atmosphere Project WLL from Qatar to launch the Malaysia-Qatar International School, next year. The educational group, known for its existing subsidiaries namely Genius Aulad, Idrissi International School and Sekolah Tinta is seeking to be the first Malaysian company to establish and fully manage an international school in Qatar from Southeast Asia. The Malaysia-Qatar International School will utilise the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) syllabus and British curriculum, combined with the Malaysia-Asian value-based education syllabus. GAINS founder and executive director Zaliza Alias said the school aims to educate students to the highest international standards while giving focus on respectable Malaysian-Asian cultures and values. Read full article here


Alhamdulillah, satu lagi acara buat anak-anak Sekolah Tinta menimba ilmu pengetahuan selain apa yang terkandung di dalam silibus mata pelajaran harian mereka telah berlangsung pada 28 Jun sehingga 9 Julai 2021 yang lalu. Pandemik telah sekali lagi memberi cabaran buat arena pendidikan seluruh Malaysia, namun Sekolah Tinta sentiasa komited dalam mengambil inisiatif menjadikan sesi PDPR kami sentiasa menarik, penuh pengisian ilmu, interaktif dan relevan dengan keperluan semasa.  Melalui program Cyber Week 2.0 di bawah kelolaan unit STED (S.T.E.M Education), pelajar Sekolah Tinta telah didedahkan dengan pelbagai pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan siber sewaktu sesi pembelajaran Sains Komputer melalui pendedahan penting mengenai keselamatan siber, risiko penggunaan teknologi baharu, cara mengenalpasti ‘scammer’ dan pelbagai lagi. Ilmu keselamatan siber ini turut didedahkan kepada ibu bapa Sekolah Tinta melalui sesi perkongsian  “Cyber Talk: Parental Guide on Online Safety For Children” yang disampaikan oleh En. Norli Shariffuddin, Pengurus Pematuhan IT dari Uda Holdings Sdn Bhd.  Selain itu, antara program yang dinanti-nantikan sudah tentunya sesi “ Cyber Chat Bersama Ustaz Muhamad” Program yang dilaksanakan pada setiap Selasa dan Khamis ini telah membuka peluang kepada keluarga Tinta untuk saling berkomunikasi di laman ‘chatting’ yang disediakan di samping kupasan pelbagai topik semasa seperti korban, covid-19, pengisian masa lapang, kesihatan mental dan sebagainya. Slot “Adik Tanya, Ustaz Jawab” pula menjadi platform untuk ustaz menjawab pelbagai persoalan agama yang bermain di fikiran kita. Sudah pastinya, kami teruja dengan berpeluang berbicara bersama para tetamu yang ‘hadir’ dalam sesi “Tetamu Ustaz” yang datang dari pelbagai latar belakang seperti guru-guru dan pelajar Sekolah Tinta sendiri, wakil dari Islamic Relief Malaysia dan juga Leave A Nest Malaysia. Tidak dilupa, program “Cyber Cafe: Edu Game” yang memberi pengisian menghiburkan buat pelajar Sekolah Tinta beradu kemahiran dan pengetahuan dalam sesi permainan interaktif yang telah dibina oleh guru-guru Sekolah Tinta sendiri. Melalui aplikasi permainan seperti MathPlayground, Keyboard Ninja dan Robot Island, pengetahuan pelajar dalam Sains, Matematik, dan STEM telah diuji bagi menyelesaikan pelbagai misi dan melepasi halangan yang disediakan. Suatu program yang mencabar minda dan penuh keseronokkan buat para peserta. Tahniah diucapkan kepada para peserta acara. Akhir kata, pihak Sekolah Tinta ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada guru-guru dari unit STED yang telah memberikan 110% komitmen mereka dalam melaksanakan program Cyber Week 2.0 kali ini. Terima kasih juga kepada seluruh Keluarga Tinta, para pelajar, ibu-bapa, guru-guru, staf pentadbiran dan organisasi luar yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam menjayakan program ini. Tahniah dan terima kasih atas penglibatan anda semua. InsyaAllah, hasrat kami agar program ini menjadi salah satu wadah ilmu yang bermanfaat dan dapat dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan kita. InsyaAllah… Dunia siber kini tidak asing lagi buat anak-anak kita. Bekalkan mereka dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang cukup, pantau mereka selalu, kekalkan interaksi dan komunikasi sosial mereka. Semoga Allah pelihara anak-anak Sekolah Tinta dari keburukan dan pengaruh negatif dunia siber.  . EKSPLORASI & REALISASI IDEA TETAP DITERUSKAN . Pejuang Pendidikan Era Pandemik    

Sekolah Tinta 1st Graduation Day

20.03.2021 marks a special day for Tinta Alumni. It’s the day we set aside to honour our school’s senior class. Recognizing them as the pioneer of Sekolah Rendah Tinta. Here in Sekolah Rendah Tinta, acknowledging our student’s achievement is a must. Despite the fact that learning was made different last year, the students persevere and graduate with flying colours. Special mention to Farhan Danish Bin Mohd Khairul Fauzi and Adam Bin Ridzuan who achieve academic and Co Curriculum excellence respectively. Farhan was awarded as the Tokoh Pelajar for the year 2020, having perform outstandingly in academics. Adam on the other hand, train through the ranks to gain the highest accolade, receiving blackbelt from Taekwondo Kyoro Club. Well done boys! Graduation Day marks the end of our student’s primary school education. When one door closes, another opens. The end of the primary school education marks a new beginning. A new chapter in Secondary school life. To the graduating students, venture and explore! may Allah SWT blessings be upon you.

GOOD BYE 2020! HELLO 2021!

2020 will always be remembered as a series of tragic events with the worst pandemic the world has seen in more than a century. Many were affected worldwide. Schools were instructed to closedown to avoid the spreading of the virus. With little to no bandwidth, no prior training and little preparations, the sudden shift away from classroom dampen the effectiveness of learning at early stage. If nothing else, 2020 has been a teacher or sorts for many of us. It has taught us that no matter how powerful we may be, we can be brought to our knees by the smallest of creations. It taught us to appreciate the little things around us. But in the midst of the tragedies there was courage, there was grace, there was sacrifice, there was hope, there were those faced with the very worst rising up to be their very best. We welcome 2021 with optimism, strong faith and better preparations. With the full backing of the Board of Directors, a dynamic principal spearheading the organisation and the collective effort of dedicated teachers sees the expansion of Tinta pendidikan Sdn Bhd from its early establishment in 2018. 20.01.2021 was the first day of school for Tinta students. It also marks the inaugural launch of Sekolah Menengah Tinta. It was a day when everyone got together, hand in hand, rise up to watch the first morning assembly of the year, despite it being done virtually. It was seen as the moment of excitement for everyone. As we move forward, it is important that we reflect and improve. In all, it is our responsibility to provide the best education for our children. Whatever happens, WE WILL NOT GIVE IN!  Let’s together bid FAREWELL TO 2020 AND SAY HELLO TO 2021 WITH FULL ENTHUSIASM! GOOD BYE 2020! HELLOOO 2021!   US